Sunday, February 16, 2014

Y U so sexist?

Watching the Olympics, there's a commercial for McDonald's chocolate covered strawberry frappe.
"Any woman's day can be made better by..."

Monday, February 3, 2014


I've been a reader all my life. Like many outcasts, books were my friends, they wouldn't reject me or hurt me, and so I got to be a very good reader, not just in speed but in depth. Often, when I'm reading something critically, I'll be looking for what the author is not saying as much as what he is saying.
So it's really not a surprise to me that when I took a speed reading test, I came out above average, but just how above average kinda makes my jaw drop.

So. Yeah. Should I feel accomplished or something? Because what I feel is sorta sad.
Edit: And now I feel kinda big headed too, since I thought my score was going to be in that infographic. Well. I read at about 637 words per minute, which is 155% the national average.

Monday, January 27, 2014

It's been a long while.
I'm not in the Navy anymore. I finished my enlistment and was discharged honorably.
I've been floating for a few months, dealing with my own issues. The last few months of being in the Navy were pretty horrible, disappointing, and depressing.
I really wanted to reenlist, see? I had done all the paperwork and was waiting on the bureaucracy to approve it, and the Command Career Counselor told me that if I waited, then I'd get this big bonus.
He lied, it wasn't possible.
I was discharged on Oct 1, 2012, the first day of the government shutdown, and it was a helluva day to try to get anything done.
Mostly, I wanted to curl up and disappear.

I've been sick lately, with a cough and congestion and general lassitude that makes me sleep like a cat. I've lost weight at an unhealthy pace, and while I've been pushing fluids, it's been a week and I'm only just beginning to feel better.

So. I guess I'm alright, all being told. I'm warm and safe, I have food. Things could be much worse.