Thursday, May 3, 2007


I've been reading Res Ipsa Loquitor, a blog by an atheist law student, from its beginning. I had been searching for something, and had hit upon his blog. The first entry I had read was about the aborted Easter showing of a naked chocolate jesus, I had though, ah, here is a person that thinks in a different way than I do, but we've come to similar conclusions.

I think logic and hard evidence is very valuable, but I'm naturally more intuitive than logical. I think that the writer of that blog is drawn to law because it requires a combination of intellect and incisiveness to be a good lawyer, but I can't point to anything he's written that implicitly or explicitly states that. I end up reading blogs and thinking, what does this say about his character? what are his motivations? And I end up forming opinions and conclusions based, mostly, on what's not being said.


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