Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Screwed up people tend to be screwed up.

Well, at least people who wallow in it.

My mother, who I generally don't get along with, was molested when she was 13-14. She has control issues, probably because of that. If it is because of that, then that's her problem.

I know, sounds cold. But when you get past a certain age, the crap that happened in your childhood starts to be under your control. That is, you can let it control you, or you can accept it for what it was, how it changed you, and you know, move on. If you're going to be all, mommy didn't care, daddy didn't love me, blah blah blah, thirty years after the fact, then you haven't moved on. You're still stuck there.

I have some crap. Occasionally, it sneaks up on me and then practically hits me on the head with a frying pan. It can be annoying. Usually, I see it, and it's like, oh, that's what that was... and I move on. I don't think mom does that.

I could list the things mother does that leads me to that conclusion, but it's more than sufficient to say that they're controlling and manipulative behaviors. And whenever I say something to that point, she gets angry. Without fail. It's frustrating from my point of view, because she's so stuck in this past drama that she can't -- maybe won't -- grow.

I'm certainly not perfect, but I do think my point of view is relevant.

1 comment:

bob said...

i believe you have just saved yourself thousands of dollars, and many years in therapy.
